
something and assume the worst; so I dropped the bombshell one quiet Sunday afternoon, and once she had had a little time to absorb it, was wonderful, because although I know she would love to see the end of Rosemary, she understands how much she means to me, and has thus helped me in many ways.

In due course I saw a small article in Sex- ology and obtained Virginia's address and thus en- tered into the fold.

The first major experience I had since I wrote my story, is one I would rather not have again, but it was an experience which many F.P.s meet once dur- ing their life - namely exposure. My exposure I am glad to say was only partial, but totally unexpected. I had no idea what my boss wished to see me about, when I was called into his office, but I was not part- icularly worried as I had often been called in to see him. When I went in, my intuition told me all was not well and my worst fears were realized when he handed me a letter which I had written to Dee Ann via the Contact Column in Transvestia. There was

no point in denying it, and I knew he would never tell me how he got hold of it so I admitted I was a T.V. and added that firstly I had committed no crime and did not intend to do so and secondly that my wife knew.

This approach was evidently the right one. told me that he did not intend sacking me, but would I try and do something about it. This I readily ag- reed to do and approached one of the local doctors who specialized in psychiatric treatment, but it soon became obvious that he knew less about the subject than I did. He also could not understand how my wife accepted Rosemary for what she was. However I per- sisted in the treatment but after 6 months or so he told me that there was nothing wrong with me apart from having an unusual pattern when he tested me on an encephalograph and he would write a letter to my boss accordingly.